Protecting the Eyes

Staying Safe in the Workplace and Around UV Light

The longer we are exposed to UV radiation, the more we are at risk for developing conditions such as cataracts, pterygium (raised, fleshy growth on surface of eye), and macular degeneration.

Here are tips to provide adequate protection:

  • Sunglasses should block out 100% of both UV-A and UV-B radiation.
  • Consider wraparound frames for additional protection.
  • Wear a wide-brim hat with quality sunglasses with UV protection.
  • Consider a contact lens brand that can offer UV protection.

Here are examples of eye protection required based on workplace hazards:

  1. Non-prescription and prescription safety glasses: Frames and lenses are made of stronger material than regular glasses. These are required for dust, particles, or flying objects. Using side shields can provide additional protection.
  2. Safety goggles: Provides protection from impact, dust, and chemical splashes. They are highly impact-resistant. They shield around the entire eye to protect against hazards coming from any direction. They can be worn over prescription glasses or contact lenses.
  3. Face shields and helmets: Full face shields protect workers against chemical, heat, or blood-borne pathogen exposure. Helmets should be used for welding or working around molten materials. Both should be used in conjunction with safety glasses or goggles, so eye protection is present when the shield is lifted.
  4. Special protection: Goggles or helmets may require special filters to protect from optical radiation exposure while welding or working around lasers.

The SMSC Vision Clinic is here to provide you with eye protection that meets the needs of your workplace and lifestyle.

Not sure what you need? Stop by the Pop-Up Vision Clinic at the Mystic Quiet Space every first Tuesday of the month. And check the calendar for other great ongoing pop-up clinics!