Make a Plan for Your Health

By Dave Collins, Physician Assistant at Mystic Clinic andShakopee Dakota Medical Clinic

I recently had a conversation with an elder, a Lakota man near the age of 90. I thought I would teach him some things about his health, but he flipped the tables on me and nearly broke my hand when he shook it, laughing at his own strength. The patient became the teacher and I—the health care provider—became the student.

He told me a story of all that he had built in his life. His parents passed while he was still young, and he built up his independence and self-reliance. He built up his work ethic, so he could provide for himself. He built up his body with exercise and traditional foods. He built a family of his own and he built a community of students through his teachings of traditional Lakota ways. Along the way, he told me of misfortunes and setbacks. He had experienced loss, grief, and sadness, as well as medical problems including cancer, heart surgery, and painful discs in his back. By all accounts, he had a history similar to many other patients I see in practice, but he had something going for him that many others do not. He had a plan.

He taught me that without a plan, a person becomes part of someone else’s plan. That could mean being pulled into unhealthy habits, toxic thinking, and eventually succumb to all the complications from those “plans.” Think sugar and diabetes. Think drug abuse and overdose. Think wasting money and time on trying to save others before saving yourself.

This man told me that the Creator had taught him that we must take care of ourselves above all else. In order to make the most of this duty, we have to get off the sidelines. We have to get off the couch and get over to the farmers market. Get outside, get moving, find the motivation, and make a plan!

I invite anyone reading this article to make an appointment with any one of our Health and Wellness staff members. We will help you make a health plan that fits your ability level. This plan will help you care for your mind, body, and spirit.


Mystic Clinic and Shakopee Dakota Medical Clinic provide diabetes education, urgent care, and primary care for all ages. Please call to schedule an appointment for Mystic Clinic at 952.233.2995 and the Shakopee Dakota Medical Clinic at 952.496.6150.

The Wondr Health program (offered through the SMSC’s PreventionFirst!) brings you interactive, web-based activities to help you make lasting changes to your eating habits.

The SMSC’s Smoking Cessation Program combines the American Lung Association’s Freedom from Smoking and the SMSC’s Laser programs to help you quit vaping, smoking, or chewing tobacco. Call 952.233.2999 to get started with a personalized quit plan.